Monday 2 June 2014

Brussels : Day 4 - Grand Place..again!

on Day 3, we went to Brugge. I have written few posts on our day trip.

Day 4 was on Monday. weather wasn't so good;  weather forecast - cloudy with  light rain in the afternoon. and all museums close on Mondays, so the kids & daddy decided to stay in and I went out on my own for a walkabout and some souvenier shopping.

took Tram 93 from Baillie to Midi and then took the  Metro to Boursse. walked few hundred metres, passed Bruxella 1238 and Eglise Saint Nicolas en-route to Grand Place

and on the cobbled street with with shops selling chocolates, tapestry, lace etc

and finally arrived at Grand Place. the jazz marathon had finished and they were dismantling the stage. so at last I managed to see the city museum and maison due roi and the guild house


 the guild house

the town hall


courtyard in Town Hall


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